Friday, August 23, 2013

Day 22 #30DaysofMe What's your sign?

30 Days of Me Challenge

Day 22 What is your astrological sign & do you think it applies to you?

   My birth date is March 19th which makes me a pisces by 1 day. March 20th is the cusp of the entire zodiac so I have some pisces traits but also some aries traits as well. So when I check my horoscope I always check out both! So I think some parts are totally me, others not so much. I guess that's pretty much the way horoscopes work tho right?

1 comment:

  1. I just had to comment! I always tell people I am barely a Pisces too! My birthday is March 18th so we are very close. I am like you and have traits that fit under both signs, but I can see why my sign is Pisces.
