Friday, August 2, 2013

Day 1 #30 Days Posting Challenge

   What does this say about me that I'm already a day behind on my 30 day posting challenge?! In my defense I must say that we are dealing with some heavy issues over here so I'm glad I'm getting to posts at all!! My darling only daughter is turning 10 in 6 days! I'm kind of having issues with this :(

   So I'm only one day behind. That's great for me! Right? Good. On we go!

Day One: Weird things you do when you're alone

   I'd love to disclose all sorts of strange behavior but I truly don't have much! Truth be told I do nothing when I'm alone! A lot of Bravo watching. No one that lives with me loves The Real Housewives of Wherever as much as I do so I catch up on "my shows" when there's no one around. My daughter thinks its weird that I blast my "girl" music (the basics like Gwen Stefani, Alanis, the theme song to The Hills) & dance around like a nutcase in the kitchen when no one else is home. I think this is perfectly normal girl behavior! Then there's the stuff you never want your boyfriend to see you do like pluck your eyebrows, God forbid check your pores for blackheads. For some reason I like to be alone when I take a bath. The point of a bath is to be relaxed & I'm most able to chill & decompress when everyone is occupied somewhere else. There is a beyond awesome recipe for a leg smoothing mixture I found where else? On Pinterest of course! It's the greatest feeling. You will not be able to stop touching your legs. Hopefully your husband won't either ;) Next time you have a few minutes for a relaxing bath, give this a try.

For Super Smooth Legs:
-Mix together 2 cups  regular sugar, 1/2 cup oil (I prefer coconut oil. It adds a dreamy smell) & a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice
-Soak your  legs in a warm bath for at least 5 minutes
-Apply mixture to one leg, shave it off
-Apply mixture to the other leg & use a 2nd razor to shave it off (You will be shocked at the dead skin & whatever else comes off!)
-Rinse & re-apply to each leg then rinse it off
-After this I would advise a shower to rinse the  excess oil off & be prepared to clean your tub heavily (one & only drawback but its so worth it!)
-Enjoy!! Your legs (& anywhere you shave) will feel awesome for a couple of days :)


  1. I do think all girls do the music/dancing thing.

  2. Right on! The little bit still disagrees. I can see an "I totally get that now Mom" in a few years ;)

  3. That recipe sounds awesome! I'll have to give it a shot!

  4. Jessica so totally worth it. You'll keep rubbing your legs together for days!
