Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Day 18 #30DaysofMe What I Need to Say

30 Days of Me Challenge

Day 18 Things you want to say to 5 different people

   I don't want to dwell on the negative. Sadly, I do have some negativity in my life right now that I would love to see just go away. Honestly life is too short...especially mine. So I want to say these things & then release them into the universe. I truly wish they could be heard but since that isn't going to happen, I have to let it go. I must choose that even though some of these things are hurtful to me they are also beyond my control. So here goes...

   1. I love & miss you every day. I'm sorry if I didn't express to you every single day how much you meant to me & to Katie. I hope you know that you have always been the most important person in my life, the rock I could always count on. I want to apologize for letting you down. You made a simple request of me. Keep my family members together. I assure you that I have tried but it's not working. I know, because we talked of it so often how important it was to you that the family not fall apart if you were to pass. I feel just terrible for letting you down. I promise you I'm doing all that I can. I treasure your memory & I know how lucky I am to be your granddaughter.
   2. You have broken my heart. You have no clue the sacrifices I have made for you. You couldn't begin to understand the things I have gone through to make sure you had what you needed. I have always, since the day you were born been there to bail you out of trouble or talk you through your many issues. All I have asked for in return is the basic love & respect that I believe I deserve. Instead I'm cut off. You won't speak to me. Not even to tell me what I supposedly did to you that was worth the loss of our relationship. I wish I could just get over it. I wish I was like you & could just not care. I really wish you would get over yourself & stop being such a ridiculous jerk. I love you & you continue to hurt me. Now you're taking away from me the only person on Earth that means as much to me. Get over it! Someone has lied to you! Grow up & PLEASE stop punishing me.

   3.  I HATE you. You are a disgusting, filthy liar. You are such a miserable person that the only thing you get pleasure from is destroying the lives of others. I will waste no more time on you except to say that one day I pray that you get help. You are a psychotic, sad little fat, spoiled bastard & I truly hope you get the help you need. I do also hope that you stay as far away from me  as humanly possible. If I never see you again, it will be a day too soon. SEEK HELP! & PS Leave my family alone. You've done enough damage. Anyone that enjoys ripping a family apart deserves to be hit by a Mack truck.

   4.  I hope that one day soon you will step outside of yourself & stop being so judgemental. You have forgotten where you came from. Your attitude is going to ruin your life & relationships. I pray you see that before it's too late.

   5.  I consider myself so lucky to have you back in my life. I thought for sure that I would never get to know you but I thank God that I found you. I'm so thankful that I was able to get past ancient history & that now we have one of the best relationships I've ever had. Thanks for loving me for all those years we were separated. & thank you so much for being so wonderful to my daughter. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I love you so much Daddy. I always have & I always will.

I feel a lot better getting that off my chest! Now there's nothing else to do but keep it moving! I wish everyone the best (except #3) & hopefully some things can be mended.
Much love,



  1. It sounds like your #3 and my #3 are about the same type of person!

  2. I sure hope not. I wouldn't wish someone like that on my worst enemy!

  3. I don't have much to say except, continue to try as hard as you can to be the best that you can be. Hopefully Karma will catch up to you and give you some happiness and relief from the trauma/drama you have gone through.
